Wesley M. Oliver is associate dean for faculty scholarship, director of the criminal justice program, and professor of law at Duquesne University School of Law. He teaches in the areas of criminal law, criminal procedure, and constitutional law. His scholarship has examined numerous aspects of criminal law and procedure, including […]
Juris Features
Alumni Tips: The Benefits of Small Firm Practice
by: Kathleen Charlton, Evening ‘08, Partner at Charlton & Charlton Attorneys at Law I have worked in small firms since graduating law school. I love the flexibility that it provides to me, as I have a young daughter. I have the ability to choose my hours. I can go home, […]
Alumni Tips: Practicing Estates & Trusts Law
By: Michael Moyer, L’08 Trusts, Estates and Business Succession Planning are complex, interesting and often rewarding practice areas in the law. After graduating from Duquesne Law in 2008, I earned an LL.M. in Taxation, and I have since enjoyed working with families and business owners throughout greater Philadelphia to achieve […]
Alumni Tips: So Tell Me About Yourself
by: Dodi Walker Gross L’82, Partner – Reed Smith LLP So Tell Me About Yourself How should the question be answered in an interview? Here are some suggestions: Be prepared. Describe what you are looking for – why you are interviewing for the job. Explain your personal qualities that make […]
Alumni Tips: Networking
By: Kathleen Charlton, Evening ‘08 Partner at Charlton & Charlton Attorneys at Law Networking is an integral part of building your career. Regardless of whether you are practicing at a small firm or a large firm, you will be expected to generate clients. I found that the best way to […]
Juris Magazine sat down with Professor Steven Baicker-McKee
The Juris Magazine multimedia team had a chance to sit down with Duquesne Law Professor Steven Baicker-McKee to discuss the importance of taking practical courses in legal education, and the importance of the Professor’s professional experience when teaching practical courses.
Alumni Tips: What Not to Say in a Cover Letter and/or Resume
By: Kimberly S. Tague L‘04, Associate – Strassburger, McKenna, Gutnick & Gefsky The primary thing to remember about cover letters and resumes is that these submissions are most likely your first opportunity to impress a potential employer. The second thing to keep in mind is that the person receiving your resume […]
Juris Magazine sat down with Professor Jacob Rooksby
The Juris Magazine multimedia team sat down with Duquesne University School of Law Professor Jacob Rooksby to discuss his career.
Juris Magazine Sits Down with Professor Mary Ann Glendon
Executive Editor Eric Donato sat down with Professor Mary Ann Glendon before she gave a lecture on “Comparative Law in the Age of Globalization” and accepted the Murray Award for Excellence in Legal Scholarship: