At The Mercy of the Jury: An Argument for the Provocation Defense By Gina Robinson, Staff Writer In the opening scenes of one episode of Scandal, Olivia Pope is called to defend a man who killed his wife’s rapist when he witnessed the encounter.[1] At that point in the show, […]
Juris Blog
Crimes Against Cacti
Crimes Against Cacti By Nicole Prieto, Staff Writer I hail from Arizona. If you have ever visited the state, it is likely you have been personally introduced to its most famous flora: the saguaro cactus. Whether as prized front yard fixtures, in scenic photos on souvenir magnets, or as […]
Safety First?
Safety First? By Alison Palmeri, Staff Writer What do you do when you’re driving down a backroad at night and suddenly see police-style lights flashing behind you? If your instincts are like most people, then driving to a well-lit area before stopping seems like the safest bet. Do this, however, […]
Healthcare, The Federal Government, and I
Healthcare, The Federal Government, and I Dominic Mayle, Staff Writer America has a unique and tumultuous story to tell about the way healthcare is accessed and delivered. Certain European nations offered health and other benefits as part of an explicit social contract to tamp down labor discord during heated industrialization, […]
Death of the Author: Copyright and the Public Domain
Death of the Author: Copyright and the Public Domain By Nicole Prieto The law favors protecting the rights of real property owners, but it also favors limiting someone’s control over property after death, i.e., “deadhand control.” [1] But what about intellectual property? What ends up happening to something as […]
International Bitterness Units
International Bitterness Units By Corey Zutz, Staff Writer Beer is good. Offending people is not good. Getting sued is bad. Getting sued for offending people with beer is very bad, as a Connecticut brewery discovered earlier this year. I took note of this situation when it first hit the news […]
Keeping Kids Safe: The Aftermath of the Jerry Sandusky Scandal
Keeping Kids Safe: The Aftermath of the Jerry Sandusky Scandal By Julie Williams, Staff Writer Although it has been over three years since Jerry Sandusky was found guilty of 45 counts relating to child sexual abuse [1], the nation is still feeling the effects. After details of the horrid abuse […]
Father of the Groom
Father of the Groom By Alison Palmeri, Staff Writer Although Nino Esposito and Roland “Drew” Bosee walked into the Allegheny County Courthouse a few weeks ago as legal father and son, they fully expected to be able to walk out as husbands. After more than 40 years of being a […]
The Future of Daily Fantasy Games in Pennsylvania
The Future of Daily Fantasy Games in Pennsylvania By Zachary G. Evans, Staff Writer In a not-so-shocking announcement, the New York Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman, declared daily fantasy websites illegal gambling under New York Law. In reaching this conclusion, Schneiderman opined that daily games constitute gambling because each bet […]
Obamacare – the Catalyst for the Deterioration of a National Minimum Drinking Age
Obamacare – the Catalyst for the Deterioration of a National Minimum Drinking Age By Kathryn VanDeveer, Staff Writer The national drinking age may a thing of the past and it is all due to Obamacare. Two states, Minnesota and California, are presently advancing proposals to lower their state’s drinking age. […]