By Felicia Dusha, Feature Editor In December 2018, Congress passed the Juvenile Justice Reform Act (JJRA), which amends the landmark Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) of 1974.[1] Under this new law, a juvenile charged as an adult “shall not have sight or sound contact with adult inmates…and may not be held […]
Fetterman and Oz Battled Over What to Do with Felony Murder
By Madeline Olds, Staff Writer As the final days before the election came to a close, a topic closely watched by both Democrats and Republicans was crime.[1] Violent crime has increased over this past year and has become one of the key voting issues amongst all parties.[2] With crime in consideration, both […]
Conservative Supreme Court Considers Affirmative Action Arguments
By Amelia Trello, Staff Writer This Halloween, the US Supreme Court revisited the long held precedent concerning affirmative action.[1] After decades, there is now a strong likelihood that the current conservative Supreme Court will overrule this precedent.[2] The Court is considering whether universities can continue to take race into account […]
The Future of Digital Asset Regulation Under West Virginia v. EPA
by Jurry Bajwah, Staff Writer In West Virginia v. EPA, the Supreme Court of the United States held that the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) did not have clear authority to devise carbon emissions caps based on a generation shifting approach.[1] Generation shifting is defined as the shift in electricity production from a high […]
The Global State of Greenwashing: from Wal-Mart to Sharm el-Sheik
by Brian Davis, Staff Writer Earlier this year, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) brought suit against Walmart for what they describe as “green claims,” or, “greenwashing.”[1] Greenwashing is a deceptive business practice that occurs when a company misrepresents the extent their products and policies are environmentally sustainable.[2] Walmart will pay $3 million […]
Law Students Reflect on Virtual Learning
by Kay Will, Staff Writer For students currently in the latter half of law school or those who have recently earned their degree, it is likely that virtual learning shaped at least part of their experience. News articles in the past two years have portrayed a mainly negative narrative about […]
Landmark CTE Case Might Bring Liability to NCAA
by Chloe Clifford, Staff Writer Many Americans find football to be a focal point of their autumn and winter, with Thanksgiving pick-up games to fantasy leagues. While football may be a positive hobby for some, for others it is a terrifying reminder of what caused their loved ones to change […]
Expansion of the Clean Slate Act
By Noah French, Staff Writer In 2018, Pennsylvania became the first state to adopt “Clean Slate” legislation, which took effect on June 28, 2019.[1] Under the Clean Slate initiative, criminal history record information pertaining to eligible criminal and summary records and non-conviction records will be automatically shielded from the public […]
The Classification of Workers as Employees or Independent Contractors
By Casey Seaman, Staff Writer The classification of a worker as an independent contractor versus an employee has been one of contention for decades. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, record keeping, and child labor standards affecting full-time and part-time workers in both the private […]
Recidivism as a Result of How Time is Spent in Jail and Prison
By John Brophy, Staff Writer The most idealistic views of incarceration in the United States center around rehabilitation, which is the idea that an offender can be rehabilitated and ultimately reenter society with effective programming. In reality, rehabilitation is often constrained by economic concerns.[1] Thus, many incarcerated people experience ‘warehousing,’ a […]