Juris Features

Photo Credit: Tumisu on Pixabay.com

Blockchain Technology: Potential to Change the Landscape of Transactional Law

By Jennifer Carter, Feature Editor If you are unfamiliar with blockchain technology and will be practicing law in the next five years, you should educate yourself yesterday. This groundbreaking development in technology has the potential to revolutionize the way attorneys approach contracts and transactions. The technology provides an unchangeable record […]

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Photo Credit: Pixabay.com

Data Monetization Without Compensation

By Kyle Steenland, Feature Editor The contemporary Wild West pans for its gold not through the streams of Mother Nature, but rather through the streams of internet connections created in the 1990s. This panning has yielded a New Age commodity: data. The value of this digital data rush rivals that […]

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Photo Credit: Illumina.com

Genes Talk: The Current State of DNA Privacy Law

By Samantha Cook, Feature Editor AncestryDNA® (“Ancestry”) and its competitors, like 23andMe® (“23andMe”), provide users with a fascinating look at their genealogies and help to connect them with distant relatives. I thought it would be an interesting experiment to give my parents Ancestry DNA kits for Christmas, but the idea […]

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America in the Grip of Groupthink

By Natalia Holliday, Editor-in-Chief   At an October 4, 2018 protest against the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, comedienne Amy Schumer declared to a crowd gathering at the steps of the Supreme Court that “a vote for Kavanaugh is a vote saying women don’t matter.”[1] During a 2017 Trump rally, […]

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Palestine Brings Complaint Against US in the International Court of Justice over Embassy Move

By Samantha Cook, Feature Editor  “Jerusalem’s political standing has long been, and remains, one of the most sensitive issues in American foreign policy, and indeed it is one of the most delicate issues in current international affairs.”[1] In his opinion in Zivotofsky v. Kerry, Justice Kennedy delicately handled the complexities […]

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Intellectual Property Law: the Modern Fortress Against Fashion Design Infringement

By Jennifer Carter, Web Editor Designers are fighting an increasing number of battles against copyright, trademark, and patent infringers both in-store and online, while also revolutionizing their battle tactics to respond to a new wave of invasions by knock-off manufacturers. In recent years, the United States Supreme Court, the World […]

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