On September 1st, several environmentally-conscious Pittsburgh organizations convened in the lawn of the Carnegie Library of Oakland to lead the Action for Amazonia Rally. The group sought to raise public awareness about the destructive fires which continue to burn throughout the Amazon rainforest and to inspire others to boycott companies […]
Legal Voice Blog
Is the Judiciary Going to Protect our Environmental Rights?
The United States District Court for the District of Oregon recently established, in a landmark decision, the utmost protections for the environment. See Juliana v. United States, 217 F. Supp. 3d 1224 (D. Or. 2016). While this is not a federal circuit court of appeals nor the Supreme Court, it […]
The Falcon Has Landed
The Falcon Ethane Pipeline System [Falcon] is at the center of debate for many local energy supporters and environmental activists. The Falcon pipeline is a proposed 97-mile pipeline that will be built, owned, and operated by Shell Pipeline Company LP [Shell]. The Falcon will connect three ethane source points and […]
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Declines to Recognize ERA Violations
The Mariner East Pipeline Project consists of two phases, the first of which is commonly referred to as Mariner East 1. The second phase of the project, known as Mariner East 2, consists of two new pipelines, to be constructed adjacent to Mariner East 1, sharing much of the same […]
Ocean Clean Up – A Comprehensive Review
In October 2018, the environmental non-profit, Ocean Clean Up, deployed its first cleanup system into the Pacific Ocean to begin removal of plastic from the “great Pacific garbage patch.” Ocean Clean Up is a public interest organization founded by Netherlands native, Boyan Slat, when he was just eighteen years old. […]
The Youth Climate Movement: The Kids Are All (for their Fundamental) Right(s)
The young people of the world are becoming increasingly aware that their quality of life is significantly impacted by the decisions of those before them in regard to climate actions. They have an open view on climate change which allows them to understand the major environmental problems (i.e. destruction of […]
The Clean Water Rule, Its History, and Its Impact on Pennsylvania
In June of 2015, the Obama administration introduced new Clean Water Standards impacting many states, including the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, through Executive Order No. 13778. These new regulations have been the subject of litigation and scrutiny from both environmental groups and industry organizations for the past several years. Additionally, as […]
Circuit Split Could Lead to SCOTUS Review of Surface Mining
The Fourth Circuit’s jurisdiction comprises coal rich regions of West Virginia and Virginia. This court has a reputation of being the most conservative in the country, and its stance on the permitting required for mountaintop removal (surface mining) has fallen in line with this ideology. In two landmark citizen suits, Kentuckians […]
Monarch Butterflies: The Next Listed Species?
The broad purpose of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), 16 USC § 1531 et seq., includes providing a means to conserve the ecosystems upon which endangered species and threatened species rely and providing a program for the conservation of endangered and threatened species. The ESA defines a threatened species as […]
Pennsylvania Agritourism and the Law
Speak with someone who has lived in a city for his or her entire life and you will likely be talking to someone who has never set foot on a farm. We all rely on farms for the fresh meat, dairy, and produce that we enjoy on a daily basis, […]