The Environmental Protection Agency [hereinafter EPA] was established on December 2, 1970, under the Nixon administration. Creating the EPA allowed for several environmentally focused groups to be consolidated into one large group, which made it easier for environmentally focused objectives to be met. The Clean Air Act of 1970, Clean […]
Articles by: Joule Staff
Pennsylvania Superior Court Recognizes That Hydraulic Fracturing Could Constitute an Actionable Trespass
On April 2, 2018, the Pennsylvania Superior Court found that the rule of capture did not preclude liability for a mineral lessee’s trespass on neighbors’ land because the lessee’s hydraulic fracturing could constitute an actionable trespass if the operations resulted in the extraction of natural gas from underneath a neighbor’s […]
Constitutional Spending of Outdoor Recreation Revenues
One of the biggest environmental disasters in Pennsylvania, and indeed the nation as a whole, has been the mismanagement of wildlife in the united states. At the turn of the century, there were few deer, turkey, and bear left in Pennsylvania. Species like the eastern mountain lion, the eastern elk, […]
Flint Water Crisis
In 2011, a mismanaged state government effectively took the reins from elected municipal officials and maligned the largely lower income and racially diverse population of Flint. The result was a cacophony of events that ushered in an unprecedented period of fear and confusion for the citizens of this southeastern Michigan […]
Cases to Watch: EQT v. DEP Will Likely Have a Resounding Effect on DEP’s Authority.
Two months ago, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania heard arguments in what may prove to be one of the state’s most consequential environmental law cases in recent years. The case involves a leak from a frack water impoundment pit located in Tioga County. The impoundment was located near a natural […]
Environmental Rights Amendment in Pennsylvania
In the early 20th century, Pennsylvania suffered from extreme environmental pollution. Suffering from orange streams, black snow, and other problems, Pennsylvania realized that it needed to take steps to combat pollution. In the 1970s, the federal government began taking steps to deal with the problem by passing the National Environmental […]
Pittsburgh’s Lead Crisis and Funding Solutions
Pittsburgh is currently in a water crisis. The June 2017 lead compliance test results released by the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority (“PWSA”) showed that the lead levels of Pittsburgh’s drinking water now meets the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) action level for lead. The Lead and Copper Rule was […]
EPA Unlawfully Fails to Designate Areas for Ozone
In 2015, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”), under the direction of the then-administer Gina McCarthy, began a series of rulemaking actions aimed at reducing the national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for ozone. The ozone levels had been set at 75 parts per billion, but under the final […]
Strategy or Tragedy: The U.S. Environmental Policy
The Tragedy of the Commons is perhaps one of the most profound and most commonly referenced writings on property rights ever developed, including that of those resources provided by the environment, renewable or not.((Garret Hardin, The Tragedy of the Commons, 162 SCIENCE 1243 (1968).)) As a result of this and […]
How President Donald Trump Has Changed the Environment… So Far.
Since his victory on November 8, 2016 Donald Trump’s presidency has been full of both ups and downs. One area in particular that has been through much change in the recent months is the U.S. environmental policy, and depending on who you listen to this too has been both good […]