Juris Blog

Legislative History: Four Steps to Success

Legislative History: Four Steps to Success

by: Judy Hale Reed, Staff Writer When I saw how excited Duquesne Law 2L Daniel Conlon was, in the law library of all places, I had to find out why. When Daniel laid out his recent research victory, accomplished with initial guidance from Associate Library Director Dittakavi Rao, my interest […]

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Superheroes Among Us

Superheroes Among Us

by: Brian Panucci, Staff Writer How would the law handle big-budget movie superheroes like Batman or the Avengers if they existed in reality? While Commissioner Gordon may have turned a blind eye when Batman pummeled the bad guy, legally Batman would be guilty of battery. In fact, despite their costumes […]

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Please Remain Calm: Legal Jobs in a Stagnant Market

by: Terry Falk, Assoc. Web Editor Mark Twain famously said that there were three kinds of lies: “lies, damned lies, and statistics.” The Wall Street Journal released a study this summer showing that last year’s law school graduates, nationwide, “had little better than a 50-50 shot of landing a job […]

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Duquesne Law Grads Offer Advice to Job-Seeking Students

by: Eric Donato, Assoc. Web Editor A five-member panel of Duquesne Law School graduates spoke to students on October 11 about their personal experiences and recommendations for succeeding in the tough legal job market. The program, Beyond OCI – Successful Job Strategies of Recent Graduates, addressed topics that the panel […]

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What’s Not to Like?

by: Alicia Nealon, Staff Writer We are the information-sharing generation. The Judicial   Conference of the United States has characterized the “explosion in social media [and] social networking” as “[t]he latest chapter in the evolution of information sharing and online activities.” While social media opens new platforms for communication, it […]

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United States Supreme Court Justices (John Marino/The Washington Times)

U.S Supreme Court 2012-2013 Term Begins

by: Lauren Gailey, Staff Writer As the Supreme Court kicks off its new term this week, civil rights – and the country’s evolving definition of “equality” – will take center stage. The Court is likely to be called upon to decide cases affecting issues that have plagued the American political […]

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