What Makes a Parent a Parent? By Gina Robinson, Staff Writer As reproductive technology continues to advance, the question of parentage is perhaps more prevalent in our generation than ever before. Whereas our predecessors may have discussed the definition of a parent in the privacy of their homes when […]
Juris Blog
House Select Committee on Benghazi: Will it Fall like a House of Cards?
House Select Committee on Benghazi: Will it Fall like a House of Cards? By Katie Burns, Staff Writer For people who watch the burgeoning Netflix series House of Cards, fictitious politician Frank Underwood’s words that “there’s no better way to overpower a trickle of doubt than with a flood […]
Game On: Fair Play and Fair Use
Game On: Fair Play and Fair Use By Nicole Prieto, Staff Writer It was October 2013 when everyone gathered in my dorm’s common area for the big game. If memory serves rights, a projector was set up alongside someone’s laptop and speakers. The room was abuzz with talk on who’d […]
Deez Posts… Got ‘Em!
Deeze Posts… Got ‘Em! By Alison Palmeri, Staff Writer “Share with five people in the next 10 minutes or you’ll have seven years of bad luck.” Had the recent Facebook privacy status ended with this statement, most people would have recognized it as a hoax. Because the status was filled […]
That’s a Bingo!
That’s a Bingo! By Mike Jones, Web Editor The city was quiet one Sunday afternoon during the Steeler’s home opener. Coming off a day of feasting upon pierogie’s at Stage AE, we decided to continue doing the most Yinzer activities we could- because no one does Pittsburgh like Pittsburgh. On […]
What is Religious Freedom?
What is Religious Freedom? By: Kyle Fiesler, Staff Writer Several months ago, the Supreme Court of the United States held that same-sex couples had a fundamental right to marry, and no state may refuse to recognize a legally-binding same-sex marriage, performed in another state, based on its same-sex character.[i] However, […]
Vivitrol Offers a New Approach to the Treatment of Drug Addiction within the Courts
By Kelsey Reno, Staff Writer From 2000 to 2012, Ohio has seen a 366% increase in unintentional drug overdoses.[1] 1,914 people died as a result of overdoses in Ohio, in 2012.[2] A large reason for these overdoses is prescription drug abuse, and heroin.[3] One court in Ohio is taking a new approach […]
Op-Ed Honorable Mention : Death in an Imperfect System
By: Kelsey Reno, Juris Op-Ed Honorable Mention In my life I have had the honor to meet two exceptional men who have overcame great adversity in their lives. Although these two men faced horrors that would leave many bitter, and angry with the world these two have chosen to take […]
The Unconstitutionality of the United States Supreme Court’s Holding that DNA Swabs are Reasonable Under the Fourth Amendment
By: Aaron Weiss, Op-Ed Winner “The privacy and dignity of our citizens [are] being whittled away by sometimes imperceptible steps. Taken individually, each step may be of little consequence. But when viewed as a whole, there begins to emerge a society quite unlike any we have seen — a society […]
1L Reflections
By: Kelsey Reno, Staff Writer *This article is different than what I typically write or what is typically written for the Juris blog. However, I believe self-reflection is an important part of life and I thought this article could focus on my personal reflection of my first year of law […]