
Letter from the Editor: Winter 2013

by: Bridget J. Daley Individual freedoms are the backbone of America, those rights that allow us—we the people—to stand tall and affirm faith and conviction in whichever belief system we hold above others. Naturally, in a presidential election year, many of the articles that staff writers pitched focused on heated […]

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Will the Real Radovan Karadžić Please Stand Up?

by: Amy Coleman, Staff Writer Several months ago, Radovan Karadžić opened his pro se defense on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 with a statement that he should be “rewarded for all the good things I have done,” reported the New York Times. The Serbian wartime leader is a controversial figure–loved by […]

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Holy Trolly: The Bullies of the IP World

by: Will Manolis, Web Editor We are not trolling merrily along. The fear today is not the troll under the bridge, nor the Internet trolls inciting ire and hatred on online forums. The most vile and abhorrent figure in today’s intellectual property (IP) community is the patent troll. What is […]

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