Legal Voice

Shared Interest in Protecting Public Health? A Third Attempt at Assuring the Public that Natural Gas Drilling Can Be Safe

Without a doubt, the natural gas boom in Pennsylvania has significantly benefitted the Commonwealth’s economy. Since Marcellus Shale drilling began in 2008, natural gas development has single-handedly created over 100,000 jobs, provided five-figure windfalls for residents who lease their land, generated an average annual employee salary between $63,904-$81,116 (as compared […]

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Pa. Supreme Court Strikes Down Provisions of Act 13

The wait is over. Portions of Act 13 have been ruled unconstitutional by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court one year and two months after oral arguments. On December 19, 2013, the 166 page opinion authored by Chief Justice Castille found the allowance of oil and gas activities in all zoning districts […]

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On behalf of the entire JOULE and Legal Voice Editorial Board and Article Staff we would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving and we would like to say thank you to our readers for their continued support!

Fracking Across the Pond

As hydraulic fracturing has spread inexorably across the United States, other countries have taken notice and are looking to follow America’s lead and capitalize on the benefits associated with shale gas. But along with this growing foreign interest in fracking comes a healthy dose of skepticism – which is very […]

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Looking Ahead: Global Leaders Predict Future Economic Growth Will Be Dominated By Traditional Fossils Fuels, Not Renewable Energy

Today’s energy industry is driven by a multitude of factors. Most importantly, the world has recognized the scarcity of fossil fuels and the importance of focusing development on energy sources that are more sustainable, renewable, and efficient. However, three of the world’s largest energy companies, Exxon Mobil Corporation, BP, and […]

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Colorado Flooding Sheds Light on Need for Better Oil and Gas Regulations

The September flooding in Colorado has caused many environmental concerns including erosion, sewage spills, and oil spills. The affects of the flooding on the oil and gas industry in particular have garnered national attention.Flooding devastated much of northeastern Colorado,including Weld County, the most heavily drilled county in the United States. […]

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The Future of Oil and Gas Development: Eagle Ford Shale Play?

In recent years, oil and gas development in the United States has reached such a high level of public prominence that most people have become familiar with terms like “fracking,” “Marcellus,” and “Utica.” Oil and gas attorneys undoubtedly could offer explanations on a few more: “Onondaga,” “well casing,” “impoundment pond.” […]

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Oil-Eating Bacteria: A Tool to Cleaning Up Oil Spills

In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil spill devastated the Gulf Coast region affecting wildlife, industry, and the economy. As a result of the spill, BP was ordered to pay more than $4.5 billion in damages. Following the spill, the US government began collecting and analyzing extensive data to learn how […]

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