By Allison McKenzie As the world recovers from the heart attack of the 2020 United States presidential election, onlookers are likely curious about the impact that prevalent environmental issues had on voters across the country. The United States is often seen as a leading influence on other countries especially when […]
Articles by: Joule Staff
Fuel and Foxes: On Fracking and the Rule of Capture
By Sarah Thomas Like wild animals, oil and gas are subject to the rule of capture.[1] The rule of capture was established by Pierson v. Post, a famous American property law case addressing which of two hunters possess rights to a killed fox in early-nineteenth century Southampton, New York.[2] [3] […]
Joule Volume 8 – 2020
Joule 2020 – Volume 8
Fiery Fate: How the 2020 Presidential Election Will Affect Global Warming
By: Taylor Staub Fiery Fate: How the 2020 Presidential Election Will Affect Global Warming After this week’s highly contentious Presidential debate, one thing that most Americans can agree on about this election is that it will be chaotic. While there were many pressing issues on the table at the debate, […]
Joule on JUUL: Environmental Impacts of E-Cigarettes By: Jacey Hunter
Joule on JUUL: Environmental Impacts of E-Cigarettes E-cigarettes harm more than just human lungs; e-cigarettes harm the planet. E-cigarettes and e-cigarette single use pods are quickly becoming a disposable nightmare. The unregulated disposal of these products is not only causing a buildup of plastic waste but also environmental contamination. According […]
Industrial farming, also known as factory farming, dominates livestock production within the United States. Ultimately, this means that nearly all of the meat, poultry and dairy products consumed in the U.S. comes from facilities where thousands of animals, such as cattle, pigs, and chickens, are kept within closely confined […]
Has Tree Hugging Become the Bipartisan Solution to Climate Change?
Has Tree Hugging Become the Bipartisan Solution to Climate Change? By: David Tamasy In an age of hyper partisan fighting in Washington over just about every issue one can think of, law makers have entered into one of the most important issues of our time which is climate change. Their […]
Volume 7 (Spring Edition)
Danielle Grimm – Final Joule Brandon Schall – Joule Final CharLee Rosini – Joule Final MaryBeth Kuznik – Joule Final
Dark Times Ahead for Chocolate: By Eric Wyant
Dark Times Ahead for Chocolate Chocolate, as we know it, is endangered because of climate change. Within the next forty years climate change will inevitably impede the future supply of chocolate. Before we get started, I think we need to address the elephant in the room: climate change. Here is […]
2020 Presidential Candidates Views on Climate Change: By Nina Victoria
The 2020 Presidential Election is in a little over a year, and there are currently twenty Democratic candidates vying for the nomination. A topic on everyone’s mind this election cycle is climate change; and most of the twenty candidates have put forward a plan to combat it. Bernie Sanders has […]