By David Zvirman, Staff Writer Recently, there has been a lot of attention given to the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA). This act is more commonly known in the media as the bill that would allow 9/11 victims to bring civil suits against Saudi Arabia for its […]
Juris Blog
Upcoming 20th Anniversary of JonBenét Ramsey’s Death
By Katherine Littlejohn, Staff Writer The case of JonBenét Ramsey has returned to the media spotlight due to a special investigation by CBS near the 20th anniversary of her death. In 1996, the 6-year old beauty queen was found dead in her parents’ basement the day after Christmas. Her […]
Ha! Ha! Ha!: Clowning Around Could Lead to Criminal Charges
By Roy Cross Reports of clowns terrorizing citizens across America have been coming in steadily since late August of this year.[1] Whether via social media or local TV news stations, everyone seems to have heard about these horrifying jokers. While few reports have been substantiated, they have created mass […]
Those Pesky Forms that Paramedics Ask You to Sign
By Drew Rummel, Staff Writer Drew Rummel has been in the EMS field for almost 17 years. During his first six years in the field, he was certified as an EMT. He advanced his training to the paramedic level, which he has maintained for the past 10 1/2 years. […]
Ride-sharing Employment Status: Fate of Uber, Lyft still in Flux
By Nicole Prieto, Web Editor It is no news that ride-sharing services have had a bumpy relationship with the law for the last few years. Take then-Gov. Jan Brewer’s veto of a bill in 2014, for instance, that would have initially legalized ride-sharing in my home state of Arizona.[1] […]
The Aurora Theater Lawsuit: Were Lessons Learned?
By Julie Williams, Associate Editor July 20, 2012. Gunman James Holmes stormed into Century 16 Theater in Aurora, Colorado, and set forth an attack on innocent moviegoers. He murdered 12 people and wounded 70 others.[2] Children were among the victims — including an unborn baby.[3] It was one of […]
All Eyes on Pittsburgh
By Mike Jones, Editor-in-Chief Pittsburgh has reached the culmination of what it has been working toward: becoming the hub of technology and innovation in the United States. On Sept. 14, Uber introduced its first self-driving cars, and the online transportation behemoth gave Yinz the first opportunity to test them.[1] […]
The EPA – Promulgating a rule it already has the power to do, or creating new law?
The EPA – Promulgating a rule it already has the power to do, or creating new law? By Kathryn VanDeveer, Staff Writer As of January 19th 2016, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed a rule entitled, Treatment of Indian Tribes in a Similar Manner as States for Purposes of […]
Preserving Our Historic Cemeteries
Preserving Our Historic Cemeteries By Julie Williams, Staff Writer Most of us have the mindset that “new is better.” We all want to keep up with the most modern and up-to-date trends. But in keeping this mindset, we must not forget those before us—those who paved the way to our […]
The Law Firms of Marvel’s Cinematic Universe: Lessons for Law Students
The Law Firms of Marvel’s Cinematic Universe: Lessons for Law Students By Tom Cocchi, Executive Editor Despite a busy law school schedule, many of us will occasionally find the time to watch one show or another on Netflix, Amazon Prime, or some other streaming service. But before you go ahead […]