When it comes to experiences, they make you, shape you or (better yet) make you think. After three years at Duquesne Law, I have come to learn and appreciate that graduating from this Law School has taught me more than just how to think like a lawyer: I have learned how to think like a Duquesne Law graduate.
The legal profession may not be flourishing with jobs to be had for anyone with juris doctor after his or her name. And where graduating from a small, Catholic law school may not bring with it the same name recognition as it would from a larger law school, Duquesne Law graduates come equipped with the skills and tools necessary to set themselves apart from the pack, to take a different approach and to map their own path to success. Opportunities are those that we seize and create for ourselves. More than merely staying the course, we must learn to pave the course.
In the Spring 2013 issue, Juris shifts its focus internally to the Law School, its alumni and students who exemplify this notion. The issue begins with our cover story on the ever-inspiring Dr. John E. Murray, who has spent his life working to help improve the law. From there, the issue chronicles both the evolution of the law student and the law school—both necessary shifts in the mindsets of students and administrators to progress with the changes of the current legal landscape.
A focus on the need for practical experience during law school has become a major change in legal education, and one that has been met with open arms and expanding course offerings at the Law School. Personally, having the chance to learn from Norma Caquatto, supervising attorney of the Community Enterprise Clinic, and Christopher Cafardi, adjunct professor of Pleading and Discovery Skills, has provided me with two of the most valuable courses at Duquesne Law.
Finally, this issue introduces readers to some notable law students and alumni, who stand out as innovators and trailblazers. From the inspiring story of Phoebe Haddon (L’77), this year’s graduation speaker who has broken down doors and barriers to become the first African-American female dean of a top-tier law school, to the journey of Kaitlyn Kacsuta (3D), who has literally run miles to bridge her interests in sports, law and philanthropy, the Spring 2013 issue showcases an impressive collection of Duquesne Law’s finest.
With that, I send my sincere gratitude to the Law School faculty and staff who have helped to shape and prepare me to pave my own course. I would like to thank the talented editors, writers and contributors who have worked hard to help Juris grow into the quality newsmagazine and blog it is today. And, of course, I would be nothing without my family and friends who have supported me along this challenging journey, especially my incredible husband Chris, who is always up for an adventure (like law school). So, with great honor and appreciation, I present the Spring 2013 issue of Juris.
Now, off to make today better than yesterday.
Bridget J. Daley, 3D, is the Editor-in-Chief of JURIS. She is also an Associate Notes and Comments Editor of the Duquesne Law Review and a Certified Legal Intern in the Community Enterprise Law Clinic. Upon graduation and passing the bar, Bridget will join Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, PC as an associate attorney. She can be reached at bridgetjdaley@gmail.com.