A Message From Our Editors

To our Juris writers and readers and to our fellow Duquesne University School of Law classmates, professors, and colleagues:

Like all of you, we are perturbed and deeply saddened by the death of George Floyd. It is incredibly disheartening to see the horrors of police brutality and systemic racism so plainly through the documentation of his death and the additional violence, destruction, and loss of life that has resulted from its circulation. Additionally, we join the nation in mourning Breonna Taylor, David McAtee, James Scurlock, and all those who have lost their lives to police brutality. While Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison has finally criminally charged all four officers involved in this heinous act and begun the long process of prosecution, many other victims and their families have yet to see justice, and there is much more to be done to eliminate racism from our world and end a long era of oppression.

As a legal publication, we dedicate ourselves to bringing our readers truthful and compelling coverage of the events that have unfolded surrounding this matter and everything that is to come. We promise that the Juris website and all its social media accounts will not publish or promote any hateful or discriminatory content. We promise our publication will be a platform for our writers to report and analyze these important topics they care so deeply about. And lastly, we stand in solidarity with our black classmates, colleagues, professors, readers, and writers in this fight and we dedicate ourselves to doing our part in the long battle ahead of us.


The 2020-2021 Juris Executive Board


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